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案例研究:IBC 2017的技术和活动团队


2017年是……50周年 IBC, 最大的国际媒体会议和展览, 娱乐及科技产业.  IBC的技术和活动团队转向 十大正规体育平台® for the second successive year to provide a comprehensive communications solution to serve both the IBC电视 operation and the live events held in the Auditorium.


在IBC期间,礼堂将举办一系列活动, 包括关键提示, 会议会议, Big Screen film screenings and 当然 the prestigious IBC Awards ceremony.

“I’ve heard it said more than once that if it’s not the best cinema in the world, 这当然是第二好的,马修·汤姆金森说, 技术部副主任 & 事件,IBC.

礼堂设有杜比视界激光投影仪, 杜比全景声和最新的屏幕技术. 然而, the existing house comms system was not able to accommodate IBC’s needs for the various events.

“我们对礼堂的要求相当简单, 但清晰和可靠是绝对必要的,马修说。. “我们在阳台和舞台后面都有团队, as well as sound engineers at the front and back of the seating area, so they needed a system that enabled them to talk to each other very quietly but still be heard.”

礼堂的系统由一个 Eclipse HX-Delta 数字矩阵平台 HelixNet数字派对热线 系统与集成 FreeSpeak二世无线系统 处理1号.9GHz frequency, connected via the E-QUE-HX wireless controller card within the Eclipse frame. HelixNet主站和 v系列keypanels 安装在放映室和阳台上吗, and the FreeSpeak二世 wireless transceiver antennas and beltpacks enabled the team to move freely around the auditorium while remaining connected.

“With all live events you need a communication system that helps you to stay in control and in contact, 确保一切顺利进行,马修说。. “That’s exactly what the 十大正规体育平台 system does – it’s simple to operate, 它非常可靠, 而且音频清晰度非常好.”

连接IBC电视的制作团队, 谁在整个活动期间制作现场和包装节目, 要求也是, 当然, 为了清晰和可靠的通信——但在更广泛的领域.

“We had the main IBC电视 studio plus a control room and studio gallery, and we were also filming continuously in three of the conference rooms,安迪·古德曼说, 技术经理, IBC电视.

The 十大正规体育平台 solution here was an Eclipse HX-PiCo digital matrix with a V-Series panel installed in each conference room – a new feature of the installation for 2017. A 1.9GHz FreeSpeak二世基站放置在控制室, with two transceiver antennas supporting eight wireless beltpacks for the production team.

“We had a lot of people on the studio floor and the FreeSpeak二世 antennas and beltpacks gave them the opportunity to be mobile but still be able to hear and speak to the director,安迪说。. “It gave us a lot of flexibility – for example the lighting cameraman needed to be able to set and move lights and operate the lighting console, so it benefited him to be wireless rather than stuck on a camera position.”

The addition of the V-Series panels made a big difference to this year’s comms set-up.

“It was very straightforward to install the panels in the conference rooms and meant that we could contact the operators easily,安迪补充道. “例如, if we could see in the control room that the audio was low or the lipsync was out, 我们可以请他们延期. They could also communicate with the director to let him know if there was a delay in the start time of the session or whether to start from a picture or from black.”

Andi hadn’t used 十大正规体育平台 systems before, but was impressed with the functionality and ease of use.

“我认为控制面板非常直观. Freelance operators and production teams experience many different types of talk back panels, depending on the facility they are working in for any particular production, so it is a great benefit to sit down in front of an intuitive panel that can be easily operated straight away,他说. “I’m sure I only scratched the surface of what they can do but they certainly delivered what we needed.”

方便运输, 对讲机的路由和分配, 音频和视频信号遍布RAI会议中心, 十大正规体育平台推荐 BroaMan to provide a fully reliable and redundant fiber-based audio and video network backbone. The 十大正规体育平台 and BroaMan combination has been previously installed in a number of broadcast and live production customers with great success, so the workflow was already proven; and IBC电视 decided to implement it.

“We were very pleased with the deployment and the solution introduced a simplified workflow. Taking a video and audio feed via BroaMan from each conference room and adding them to the programme content – and having the comms linked into the same system - worked really well,安迪说。.


在设置和支持方面, 马修和安迪都向易卜拉欣(伊比)阿里致敬, 十大正规体育平台应用工程师, 谁在现场设置了系统,并在整个节目中可用.

“Ibi is highly knowledgeable, there’s nothing he doesn’t know about the kit,马修说。. “He’s one of those quiet people that just makes it happen – there’s no fuss, you barely know he’s there and suddenly it’s all set up and ready to go.”

安迪对此表示赞同:“我不熟悉组态软件, so Ibrahim spent a good three hours showing me how the system worked. 他也很乐意在任何时候下来帮助解决任何问题, 这四天我都能通过电话亚洲最大体育平台到他.”

随着表演在钻机日和排练日的发展, 易卜拉欣还与大卫·斯宾塞密切合作, the director] to deliver the more complicated aspects that he needed, such as setting up separate 4-wires to enable the sound assistant to speak to the sound supervisor, 而楼层经理则要跟主管顶嘴.

“The right communication links were important to make the show easier to operate,” adds Andi.


菲尔·怀特,IBC技术总监 & 事件中,我同样对沟通设置感到满意.

“2017 was another record year for IBC and key to our technical success is the continued support of 十大正规体育平台,他说. “Communications on site are essential; from the gallery and control rooms transmitting live IBCTV, to the conference and show feature operational areas – this is critical in keeping the live programmes flowing. For the IBC Awards in particular, it is the Clear Com that holds it all together. Not only is the equipment first rate, but also the support on site from their team is second to none. 完全专业的操作.”

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